So just as we experience sub-zero temperatures, Chris Whitty is banging on about how pollution from wood burners is killing us all. We can’t afford the gas, we can’t afford the electricity and soon stoves will be banned no doubt. Surely the government should just get straight to the point. “ Will you please all die as quickly as possible.”
If you burn wot ya supposed to, then i guess there pretty good efficient things, we had one in old house burnt wood or coal Wife loved it an miss's it, gor admit it was good.
I love 'em. In fact I've just returned from an hour chopping logs. I say "chopping", the chainsaw does do most of the graft.
Price of official fuel is inevitably going up as more and more people get them, no doubt ending up with folk chopping trees down and nicking pallets and burning god-only-knows-what, we'll be back to the good old days of smog and bronchitis for winter with a good dose of Acid rain for Norway.
Round here, any building works with left over pallets, they get stacked out front with a sign saying "free firewood", gone in minutes. I have been known to partake. Corner blocks burn slowly and the bar parts do as kindling. Free fuel. I'm awaiting the first strong winds, roads don't stay blocked for long, it's like Night o the Dead, everyone's out with a chainsaw.
I'm having a large one fitted then when I die, my family can burn me over the following winter. Heating tick Not paying for a funeral tick Hot buffet tick