It seems strange that not much has been said about Woodrows performance last night , I thought he was excellent , his link up play , his runs off the ball & the one bit of real quality with the goal ,whilst everything came to a stop with the other front runners it was totally opposite with Cauley, he continually pulled defenders right left & centre & made intelligent runs coupled with short clinical passes to keep things moving , whilst he somewhat struggled this season I thought he was back to his best last night however I find it odd that all those who regularly give him stick have suddenly gone quiet , I wonder why that is .
Ive been critical this season and quite abit last season, but I said in another thread best he has played this season thought he was really good last night keep it up cauley.
If he can keep up that level then I'll happily eat my words. Still not a fan of him staying on his knees for ages and looking around like a confused puppy when he gets tackled though.
I think in a lot of ways the longer you're with us the more you're taken for granted. I think Cauley is great and would love him to reach a decade with us as not many do.
Ye agree he looked back to what we expect from him..lots of tracking back and nicking the ball from behind. my MOTM after Collins. we've still not seen our best back 3 of Helik.Mads and Kitchin yet and I think a front 3 of Woodrow. Morris and Ley Osaka will trouble most defences...Benson. Styles and Brittan are nailed on bt Palmer is worrying at moment
He's been largely ineffective by his high standards for a while now and as the senior striker he's had a fairly comfortable ride while others around him have taken all the flak. Hopefully last night's goal will boost his confidence and get him firing again which is what we all want to see and need if we are to do well as a team.
He needs support up there & has not had much since Morris got injured but last night he had support coming from the midfield to allow him to play the give & go"s, this was especially apparent when Gomez got going but he still needs some muscle up there especially when you are playing against defenders as big as Stoke had last night
Interesting that Schopp put Frieser in the #9 position and Woodrow wide left. Frieser gave as good as he could against that giant defence and is more up for that kind of fight than Woodrow, which is why we created chances to create chances - but sadly last night Frieser's final ball or touch let him down 3/4 times. A couple of times he was unlucky but others it was just poor - especially the through ball to Iseka that never made it. Allowing Woodrow to drop off means he's far more involved in the game and picking the ball up where he's most comfortable i.e. without his back to goal. No surprise that he looked a better player for it. He can easily play the #9 but we need our best squad on the pitch with him, playing a better style of football, rather than the depleted one we're getting by with at the moment. We're also far better when the long balls we do play are in to space and not directly at someone's head. For example Collins' ball from the back before the free kick.
Totally agree that he's a player that we need to find ways to get the best out of, it will be interesting to see how it works when the Belgians and Morris are up to speed.
He did last night what he's paid and that's scoring goals , I'll give home credit for his performance last night let's see if he can keep it up
Takes a lot of stick from defenders and always comes back for more. A fantastic performance last night.
He played ok. Tried to create something a few times and I seem to recall a decent shot from him in the first half and I think it was him who tried a fancy first time effort when the ball was up in the air and there wasn't much time to react once. The negative though is his refusal to challenge for any aerial balls for the entire 90 minutes. It's extremely noticeable and something that I don't think is going to change any time soon. With that in mind I have more criticism for the manager and the other players for routinely hitting high balls to him knowing that he isn't going to challenge for them. Play to his strengths not his weaknesses