Some rumour going round he’s out for a few weeks due to an incident in training. No idea if true or not.
No. Already been disclaimed by Cavare. He was supposed to have been injured yesterday in training. Cavare replied to the rumour saying they didn't even train yesterday. Case closed.
If it's the case that they didn't train, and this injury hasn't happened, then some kids on Twitter and seriously need to wind their neck in. They are going for Cavare big time.
. Doesn't look like he was snapped in half in training by Dimi yesterday in this picture. Some proper tossers on Twitter making stuff up like this dodgy transfer rumours are one thing but making up serious injury stories is bang out of order.
Why do people think Cavare had supposedly injured Woodrow in training? From reading this thread all he did was tell a fan he's not injured and that they didn't train.
A poster tried to start a rumour about Cavare having a fight in training a couple of weeks ago on here. Pathetic behaviour from our own fans.
Yeah me, and it's true. It was proven But I don't believe he injured Woodrow as there was no training
So that narrows it down to: (those in italics very unlikely to have said anything) Stendel Dale tonge Chris stern John Vaughan Bobby Hassell Greg Miller Martin Devaney Adam Murray
You said cavare assisted mcgheehan probley something happened but I cant see Cameron just letting him set about him. His temper is just as bad as cavares from what I've seen. Be a good battle hope they have kissed and made up though.