As someone absolutely non political I don't have a clue how things like these pan out. Now it may have been mentioned before but can someone ITK answer me these please. (1) If permits aren't granted can we appeal and if so how? (2) As their employers would we still be contractually obliged to pay them even though they might not be able to play? (3) What is actually stopping permits been granted? (4) What timescale (if any) is expected? (5) Has there been any cases where permits have been totally knocked back? Cheers in advance.
1) No idea 2) Would hope that the contract is subject to eligibility to work in the UK, but wouldn't take it for granted 3) I guess they don't meet the criteria to automatically quality for a visa, so have had to apply. 4) Not sure this has happened since the new points based immigration system came into force. Dike for example, qualified automatically because he'd played for the USA side. Schopp qualified because of successive years as a head coach in a top flight. Maybe the club went through it for any new backroom staff? 5) see 4)
are the 2 lads training with the 1st team ?, if so surely that would count as working, so the "no work permit" would just be attention seeking made up b0110cks
1)Appeal by submitting reasons why to a 3 man board. 2) You would think as standard it would say subject to. 3) They didn’t qualify by racking up enough points, based on a number of factors. 4) Nobody can accurately answer this as it was only brought in from January, so is too new to know. when it was introduced it was let known due to being new and short notice of introduction, early cases would be given some flexibility to enable clubs to know exactly what is needed. Unfortunately this was not Official and no timeframes were given for this flexibility ie one transfer window(Jan), I year etc
The comment I think by O'Kane at the Chron yesterday was they are now training separately. Whether thats at the club, a local park, in this country or another, nobody knows. I think we've got to take at face value that they only became aware of the issues yesterday, so as a result, they've changed how they trained from then. As you rightly point out, and I did the same yesterday, Oulare was absolutely around pre Cardiff to do the interview. iseka, I've not seen a great deal of after the official photoshoot, but given Schopps words about showing more in training, you'd hope that they've both been involved.
So basically they've signed three strikers this summer and only known for certain one would be able to play for the club at the start of the season if ever, now I don't know alot about the two Belgian lads but from the career stats that have been knocking around they were a gamble anyway but with all this work permit business it looks like a very poor gamble at the moment let's hope they get permits and turn out to be the next Belgian super stars.
I was told of the situation 2 weeks ago. If I knew (albeit 2nd hand) the I’m sure people actually within the club did too. It’s all a bit strange if you ask me.
Maybe we've bought them so that they can be then loaned out to Ostend at inflated prices. Could be a bit of "sweating the assets"
not sure about that. They shouldn’t be doing anything that is categorised as ‘work’ without a work visa but not sure if maintaining fitness falls into that category or not as I’m deffo no expert on immigration
Well that's just made it all the more bizarre hasn't it? Thanks for sharing though, at least a little light is being shone on things. Not that much head nor tail can be made of it.