Just thought I'd mention this as I know a few members of the BBS,are undergoing treatment at the moment. Just wishing you well and that you are not forgotten.
Nice touch and good wishes to all if you're suffering from this terrible disease. Sadly my Father has been diagnosed with cancer of the stomach and lungs and doesn't have much time left
We celebrate it by giving a donation to the Children’s cancer ward at Nottingham Queens Med. This year they got a PlayStation and 2 Fridges.
My son had a growth removed which was attached to his heart and lungs. He was 17 at the time 20 years ago. He was lucky. Came through after a very worrying time. I have a lot to thank the Doctors in Edinburgh for and also all the cancer support out there. Cancer research and McMillans are my choice of charity when donating.
Really sorry to hear this. Hope he's not in too much pain. When my youngest was born my Grandad was diagnosed with cancer. It was very quick and I didn't manage the journey in time for him to see his new grandson.
Thank you Helen. My Dad's seems OK, not much pain, he's reasonably chipper most times I see him. Sadly, due to him having Alzheimer's as well I don't think he remembers much about his problems (that might or might not be a good thing). Sorry to hear about your Grandad, that's a sad story
Thank you mate. There's really not a lot to say though, it's his 85th Birthday tomorrow, and we're just trying to make the rest of his time as comfortable as we can
Definitely feeling for those who've had their treatments delayed. I can't imagine how it is to have such a disease and then still having to wait around which can only make it worse. All the strenth to you and your family @Tyke_67. I've gone through the same with my granddad and my mum a good few years ago. Hopefully you'll all at least be able to say your goodbyes despite all the other stuff going on.
There really good there, my daughter was treated for Leukaemia there when she was 11. We are the lucky ones as she got to ring the bell. That’s why we give to them the things we do as the stuff goes directly to the rooms/patients whilst staying in there. We always ask the ward what they are short of and then give accordingly.
Cancer is the real nasty evil in our society. There will be many more on this board, myself included, who have been affected directly or indirectly by this horrible 'thing'. One day we'll eradicate the nasty twa.t.
TBH, it’s easy, we know what it was like when we were there for month's on end to start, in a side ward and nothing for her to do. We bought a TV and PlayStation for her room, left them when we left and now celebrate every year that she rang that bell. 3 times we were told to prepare for the worst, we can’t stop others experiencing what we did but we try to understand and make it a little easier for those who follow.
I know where you're coming from, mate. From the day she was born, we've been told on numerous occasions to prepare for the worst with our daughter. We've lost count of the number of birthdays the doctors have told us she wouldn't live to see. We can never praise the NHS in Barnsley Sheffield & Nottingham enough for what they've done for our daughter. It's wonderful to hear of how well your family have done, and your daughter in particular, to get through the dark times.
I was lucky they caught mine in time ( prostate) 3 years this coming May and iam extremely grateful to the NHS.