If he does take them down. (A) Do you think they'll sack him? (B) Will he ever get another manager's job?
A - he'll jump before he's pushed as he doesn't need the severance and will want to save face B - yes, in MLS
Was speaking to my missus about this this morning saying the cost of paying him off must mean he'll be there a long while yet. Two years left on his contract!
He’ll quit he’ll get a highly paid job as a number 2 somewhere, and then get another managers job after that cos people are nuts.
I think he’ll leave but he’ll end up somewhere else simply because of his name. I can’t see him being on tv because there’s far too many “erms” and “yeah no”. But I suppose there’s a fair few ex players who go into punditry so who knows.
Erm the lads erm done good erm but there wasn’t erm enough in erm their locker erm to save us erm sick as a parrot erm pastures new erm old hookers