Muller Germany McCarthy Eire, Taggart N.I., Barnard Wales De Zeewu Hol Vas te Portugal Glavin sco, Redfearn Eng, JCR Jamaica Jan Fjortoft Nor, Clint marcelle trin Just seen on social media people picking their top 10 teams. Can’t include a player from same country. I’ve had a few ales so quickly threw it together
Well, from my time.. Davies - Wales Hassell - England McShane - Ireland Souza - Brazil Werling - Germany JCR - Jamaica Howard - Scotland Gorre - Holland McCourt - NI Ferenczi - Hungary Bogdanovic - Malta
Vito Mannone - Italy Scott Wiseman - Gibraltar O'Neil Thompson - Jamaica Jim McNulty - England Dominik Werling - Germany Brek Shea - USA Diego Arismendi - Uruguay Mounir El Haimour - France Mido - Egypt Onome Sodje - Nigeria Miguel Mostto - Peru
As you can see from the time of this post it's late. Woke up in the night and struggling to get back to sleep so thrown this together. Sure I've missed someone great out. Glavin was just before my time. And I had to have Redfearn as my English player because him and Hourihane together was the first thing I thought of. Muller Germany. Barnard Wales De zeeuw Holland Taggart N Ireland Yiadom Ghana Vaz Te Portugal Hourihane Ireland Redfearn England JCR Jamaica Fjortoft Norway Hendrie Scotland
(Mostly) Simon Davey's finest. I often wonder where we might have got if someone else had been given his three years.
I'd say they were mostly Hillcroft era (shudder). But el Haimour trumps the rest for being the absolute worst in a Red shirt (Wiseman a not too close second)
Lukas Lidakevicius- Lithuania Van Homoet- Holland Markstedt- Sweden Mvoto- France T Williams- Cyprus Diego leon- Spain Frimpong- Ghana Tinkler- S Africa Christiansen- Denmark Hume- Canada Odejayi- Nigeria
------------------- ---------------------- Muller (Germany) -------------------------- ------------------ ---- De Zeeuw (Netherlands) ----- McCarthy (Eire) ----- Taggart (Northern Ireland) ----- -- Vaz Te (Portugal) -- Redfearn (England) -- Bosancic (Croatia) -- Barnard (Wales) -- ---------------- ------------------------- Glavin (Scotland) ---------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- Fjortoft (Norway) -- George Robledo (Chile) -------------------------