I saw Ricky Gervais post a couple of similar choices to his followers. Does anyone want to have a go? You can only keep 3 of the following: Barnsley Football Club, Netflix, Toast, Coffee, Chocolate, Oakwell stadium, Grandpa, Mobile Phone, passport, pets, sick pay, beer Which are your 3 choices (and why?)
Haven't got Netflix, don't eat toast or chocolate, don't drink coffee, don't get sick pay, haven't got pets and all grandparents are dead. I lose BFC and Oakwel, I keep passport, beer and phone. Not a choice I even had to think about.
Beer, BFC & coffee. Mobile phone is necessary for my business, but could not function without the other three. I borrow 3 dogs from my friend 3 days a week, otherwise BFC might have to go, which would be a shame after a love affair that has gone back to 1974/5 season. They are more reliable in giving me love & friendship. BFC is still in my heart & soul, but have to say since the takeover it has been a bumpy ride.
Is this for me personally or what I'd keep for others? For me Barnsley, Oakwell, chocolate? Undecided on the chocolate one tbh. For others. Pets, sick pay, grandad.
Sorry Paul. Altered it for you. .Or BFC and T'Well have to go together as one. Passport and mobile phone. ( how else can I keep up to date with the BBS. Not carting a tablet round wi mi.) Can manage bart Netflix Coffee aaaaaaaaargh Toast Chocolate Grandpa's dead. (Don't fancy laying em art int lounge.) Pets ( enough on looking after others) Sick pay (retired) Beer (quite like gin "Farage, anyone")
Phone, Passport, Chocolate. If "Netflix" was instead "visual media" covering all the streaming services, YouTube etc. it would be that over chocolate, though. I'll just pirate Netflix shows!
Coffee - it's been my first drink of the day for decades, alongside 3 slices of bread and butter, and a banana. I can't even imagine a day that doesn't start with that. Mobile phone - and I hate myself for choosing it, because up until 5 years ago I had a crappy old flip phone and thought everyone else's phone obsession was laughable. Now I'm as addicted as the rest. Perhaps I should change my name to Old Sheep. Torn between Barnsley FC and Netflix for the third choice. Not too long ago I'd have gone with BFC without thinking, but football is steadily going downhill and I'm still struggling with it after recent events. Netflix is one I only started watching recently, but I've enjoyed every minute of it so far. Ozark and Stranger Things were superb and I'm almost drooling at the idea of seeing The Sandman come to life onscreen. WTF... I'll go with Netflix.
BFC, passport, phone although without Oakwell where would BFC play? Also there'd be no.point picking Oakwell in isolation as without BFC it would be an empty stadium to knock down and build houses on.
Pet, passport, and then coffee/beer is a toss up but I'd probably go for coffee and just drink wine and whisky/bourbon (not at the same time, I'm not a savage).
BFC, grandpa if you could resurrect him. and sick pay - not so much for me as I've barely had a few days off in the last 10 years - but we ALL deserve sick pay.