Kylie Jenner is now officially the youngest self made billionaire. Amazing achievement. Unbelievable business nous.
I can't accept that it's self made when she's made it off the back of A. An Olympic gold medalist father B. Incredible family wealth C. An even more famous sister (and in turn the sex tape which brought notoriety to the family) D. The exposure brought by her half sisters father being a corrupt evil lawyer who seeks to use loopholes to get murderers off. She's about as self made as princess Eugenie
Shouldnt be classed as self made, but she has done brilliantly. Especially how she doesn't have to pay to advertise her products because she got that many social media followers, she can tell people on there for free.
She hasn’t inherited or married into the money, she’s made it herself. Of course she’s benefitted from privilege and celebrity, but she’s still a self-made billionaire.