What a band/artiste. From Donny. First saw him on tv at Glastonbury. Great rock/punk material. He was on Jonathan Ross last night. (A programme I rarely watch. But saw him advertised) . Great number and performance. I don't have owt in my collection of his music but I really should have. Must pop in HMV and look some up. Skinner. If you are reading this. He did a fair version of Bowies life on Mars. In a tribute to Bowie show. (You can watch it on You tube) Very good. (Her indoors enjoyed it as well ) But in fairness his own stuff is summat else.
He loves mentioning Donny and Yorkshire in interviews. He mentions it when he's been on Graham Norton. He's proud of where he is from.
He was on Sunday Brunch a couple of years ago. Apparently his family have had a big guitar shop ( they sell small ones too ) in Donny for ages which is very well known in the music instrument world
His real name is Dominic Harrison, and this is from his Wikipedia page. Harrison was born on 5 August 1997, in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, to Samantha and Justin Harrison.
He grew up in Norton & Campsall, in fact he recently did a gig in the WMC in Norton. His parents now live in Wentbridge, a few houses down from the Bluebell. Quite enjoyed his new song, has some Sabbath influences.
His Mum had a shop on Carcroft crossroads called Jaffa & Cakes. They gave it up about 6 months ago. I once saw him in Carcroft Asda with a film crew running around the place like a lunatic. I had zero idea who he was. Not sure if I'm on whatever video he was making like but I found it all quite comical how other people were reacting. 10 years ago nobody would have given a sh it about him walking about in Asda. They would have just thought he was some weird emo kid.
The thing that annoys me about yungblud is the fact most of his songs sound like other songs, one is blatant copy of heart shaped box, this new one sounds like the who and he has one where he basically copies the rapper ren even down to the video. I know he was something to do with disney years ago it almost seems as if he's an actor playing at being a rockstar.
Easily annoyed. You don't have to listen mate. I think Coldplay are a poor man's U2. I just don't listen to em. I or 2 decent songs other than that. Not bothered.