Les Corbeaux - The Crows by Henri Becque - it's us

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by thomasevans, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. tho

    thomasevans Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Henri Becque's book describes what happens to a French family when the caring, providential and controlling hand of its father-figure is taken away. Without the care, provision and control of the patriarch, the crows are those who descend on the family and rob it of its assets, leaving it with very little and caring very little as to what they are leaving behind.

    It reminds me so much of the wonderful role Patrick Cryne has played for our club over recent years. A great, self-effacing and paternalistic figure. I am not going to moan about the current circumstances we seem to be in, but someone might stop and reflect on the hugely positive time of ownership of Patrick and the self-seeking crows who want to rob the club of its best assets.

    We learn from history that ....

    With thanks and best thoughts and prayers for Patrick and his family at this time.

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