New Profile Posts

  1. Harry Hough
    Harry Hough Turvey Tyke
    Hello mate, I'm currently attempting to do the Ground "as is" but anything at all would be appreciated, however old for future projects.
    1. Turvey Tyke
      Turvey Tyke
      The pre Taylor report Oakwell is something I've had a crack at a couple of times but my Cad skills are not the best. Give me a shout if you change your mind.
      May 4, 2023
  2. klo
    kloonsy fired
    Hi there. I want to remove two posts on a thread and can't seem to do it. Could you as an admin do it please. It's on a thread titled car repairs.

  3. Red Watch
    Red Watch Allendale-Red
    Hello again. It looks like my son has managed to get this sorted out for me. Thanks for showing interest and your support. I hope you read these messages, for some reason I can’t dm anyone. Cheers
    1. Allendale-Red
      No probs pal, glad you've managed to get it sorted
      Feb 3, 2023
  4. Red Watch
    Red Watch Allendale-Red
    I’m away from home currently and I’ve been told that there’s a leak, possibly a dripping pipe in the bathroom. If its ok with you I’ll get back to you when I know a bit more about it. Thanks for asking
    1. Allendale-Red
      No problem mate
      Feb 3, 2023
  5. Merde Tete
    Merde Tete Tykeofthetown
    Hi mate. If you're into trance, this is my Soundcloud page. I used to be a professional DJ many moons ago, and even had a track released on Armin's label in 2004. Unfortunately I came to the party a bit late to make any serious cash, but it was fun times! I'm assuming you went to Gatecrasher?
  6. fit
    fitzytyke Cowboy
    Sorry mate, I didn’t realise I’d posted on the forum - I was sending Korky a private message in reply to his post.

    In all the years I’ve been going to football, only fans I’ve laid my hands on have been reds fans

    Are you getting to many games Paul? I don’t think I’ve seen Leaky this season
    1. Cow
      We've both got season tickets and we'll be there on Saturday
      Jan 17, 2023
      fitzytyke likes this.
  7. fit
    fitzytyke Cowboy
    No, I mean how did you know it was me they were talking about in the thread? I ran up and tackled the prawn Sandwich bloke? No one mentioned me by name
    1. Cow
      I didn't have a clue. I'd just seen you post for the first time in ages and thought it would be nice to have a catch up
      Jan 17, 2023
  8. fit
    fitzytyke Cowboy
    How did you know it was me Paul?
    1. Cow
      We've mentioned it before pal when you were a regular poster.
      How are things with you?
      Jan 17, 2023
  9. Gor
    Gordon Ottershaw Mr C
    Is this how I send a private message?

    So what’s happening? A lass has lured you across the ocean I hear. When’s this happening?
    Mr C likes this.
    1. Mr C
      Mr C
      Eyup mate. can anybody else see this.? text me .. 07934 228146
      Nov 18, 2022
  10. Mr C
    Mr C Vegas-tyke
    Hi mate. Do you know anything else about Gary. He was a very good life long pal.. Fcking dreadful news.. Paul Caton.
  11. John Peachy
    John Peachy
    I've watched Barnsley frThat was as bad as it comes.There is no business, lie show business.
  12. bur
    Retired and loving it
  13. Merde Tete
    Merde Tete
    Back in Blighty
  14. sadbrewer
  15. Jimmy viz
    Jimmy viz
    Time for change at the next supporters voting round.
  16. Jimmy viz
    Jimmy viz
    Doesn’t represent fans properly as too scared of losing the kickbacks he gets in the form of Brewdog concessions all very cosy
  17. Jimmy viz
    Jimmy viz
    Yeah it’s difficult made more so that you can’t stop his inane drivel. Clearly as bent as **** too.
  18. Jack Tatty
    Jack Tatty Jimmy viz
    You ok mate?
    Jimmy viz likes this.
    1. Jimmy viz
      Jimmy viz
      Yeah I’m fine. I’m just getting very little from this forum. The people I know have mostly left due to the bullying of people who purport to be fan reps. I’m not flouncing will certainly see the cunning Stunt stuff through but not dont see the value of dealing with people I see as basically corrupt they are just giving me stress
      Sep 8, 2022
  19. exiled
    Clocking out.....
  20. Winker
    Bridlington Red