New Profile Posts

  1. Cap
    Capital Tyke SouthCoastTyke
    Hi, try

    Working ok for me.
  2. Tyk
    Tykelynda RedMonk
    Yes. Addicted.
  3. Nor
    NorfolkRed Red Rob
    Hello mate, when I'm disease free we'll have to meet up for a beer. Where in the city have you moved to?

    1. Red
      Red Rob
      Hi Chris, Had the plague as well over Christmas. It sucks for the 10 days, but having full immunity when you're put the other side is great!

      We're still house hunting at the moment, but with the inlaws in the south west at the moment.

      Give me a shout if you're 'up city' and we can grab a beer and discuss Barnsley's sorry plight.

      Jan 9, 2022
  4. sadbrewer
  5. dee
    We have second season schopp not syndrome
  6. Jimmy viz
    Jimmy viz
    Grove street posse
  7. Fev
    Fev Red Dartonred1990
    Not sure if this is a pm mate never sent one before
    1. Dar
      07792924792 text me mate
      Oct 23, 2021
  8. Dalestykes
    Dalestykes shed131
    Hope yr ok after today’s shenanigans Bud.
  9. SouthCoastTyke
    SouthCoastTyke Mr C link 2
    1. Mr C likes this.
  10. Mr C
    Mr C Redhelen
    Hi Helen. One hoglet for you.!
    111265 00389420. Send delivery address. Thanks. Paul x
    1. Redhelen likes this.
  11. dek
    dekparker arabian_ian
    cas on sky at 5pm pal
    1. arabian_ian
      Thank you mate but I don’t have sky. But thanks for the heads up.
      I have been watching the Tigers progress this season and do watch the highlights show. Quite enjoying it.
      Aug 30, 2021
  12. Baz
    Bazza Duntpasstome
    I have a knee replacement scheduled for 22 nd August I am thinking twice now about going to the game on Saturday.
    What's your thoughts ?
  13. Tru
    TrueRed92 Gally
    Delete my profile please
  14. Tru
    TrueRed92 andytyke
    Delete my profile please
  15. Tru
    TrueRed92 admin
    Delete my profile please
  16. Jack Tatty
    Jack Tatty andytyke
    Hi Andy

    Wish to change my username back to JackTatty please.
  17. Baz
    Bazza Gally
    Hi Gally just for respect to Bobby and his son can you remove the post about his son.
    I know everyone means well but it can't be easy for the lad when it's being discussed on the forum.
  18. portsmouth tyke
    portsmouth tyke SouthCoastTyke
    I mate, just been texting Jeff, he as asked me for your name if thats OK, cheers mate
    1. SouthCoastTyke
      Sure pal,, Lee Sheard
      Mar 17, 2021
      portsmouth tyke likes this.
  19. old
    oldschooltyke sapphire red
    I recommend Rob to many of my famliy and friends and he's alway done a first rate job and at half the price of a window company.
    1. sapphire red likes this.
  20. old
    oldschooltyke sapphire red
    Here you go mate I've a couple of numbers for you.
    Rob 07527851835 he fitted my windows.

    Jason 07917208028 another good lad from tarn, no way would I be paying some of the prices quoted on here.

    Good luck.
    1. sapphire red likes this.
    2. sapphire red
      sapphire red
      Just to let you know re new windows the two numbers you gave me the first I`ve left a couple of messages but not heard anything back, the second comes back as "not recognised"
      Mar 18, 2021