Be interested to see how well the different viewpoints in here are reflected so created a poll
I feel safer wearing one whilst doing my online shopping because I don't want to catch a computer virus.
I've always done most of my shopping online (mostly due to not having a car), and that's intensified since the whole outbreak started. I can't say that it'll make much difference to me, but I find it difficult to take seriously because of the scattergun approach that seems to now be the order of the day. When decisions were being made and the rules introduced were at least ostensibly following the science then fair enough - I'll do anything to make sure everybody's a little bit safer. But I now have no faith that the government are following any advice at all. It seems like policy is being introduced on the hoof, depending on what Johnson, Gove or Cummings have read that morning. Opening pubs and restaurants and then saying that people have to wear masks in shops three weeks later (!) is just insane. If it's not safe to go to Morrisons without a mask then surely it's not safe to go out for a nice meal in your local restaurant. It's at best muddled messaging, and at worst dangerous because nobody knows where exactly they stand, and everyone's being forced to wade through piles of contradictory guidance and make their own minds up, presumably based on nothing more than what feels right to them.
The Cynic might suggest that there is a deliberate policy to set rules that people will ignore so then the blame is all with the thick British people rather than the government. I just dont know if they are that clever
I really don't like wearing them, it's unpleasant to breathe and uncomfortable. However, I'd rather that than end up on a ventilator or potentially dead (or cause someone else to be) so all for them being mandatory. Probably won't shop as much though, not that that's a bad thing.
They will be throwing around £100 fines like they are confetti. The government with all the spending have to make back some money from somewhere and so are probably hoping people blatantly break the rule so they can get some cash off them.
You'll get used to it. I've wore one from the beginning and it's now second nature. I can't understand why people are being such drama queens about it.
I fully support wearing them, but they steam up my glasses, so I'd limit the amount of time I was in shops.
Just been to Lidl in Dingle. About 75% of people are wearing them. Two groups of yanks were not wearing them and looking perplexed by others having them on. No surprises there. I really don't get what the problem is. It's not the salt mines is it?
Wouldn't be surprised at all. I own a bar and have suspected for a while that this is the tactic - I'm certainly not the only one in my part of the industry that feels that way.
It doesn't bother me too much, I will wear one if told to do so ( I have to do the same at work when on site) But my issue with them is they are only effective if A) people use proper medical masks and B) they use them properly. The amount of people that don't/Won't use them properly is massive so in reality making people wear them won't have too much impact personally.
I didn't vote, as non of the responses were applicable. We have had to wear masks over here for a long time now. One of the issues is where / when you have to wear them keeps changing. In the street if you are not 6 ft away from someone, although that has now changed to 30 ft. Always when indoors in public places, or if outdoor dining, when leaving your table. I hate them, as I find them restrictive, but I follow the rules. I have just purchased some new masks, which are lighter than the old masks, which seem better. When outside, you cannot wear sunnies, or glasses, as they steam up. I tend to let it hang from one ear, or carry it, and only cover up when approaching people. Not strictly legit, as you shouldn't touch your face, but it is impossible not to. Inside, I find that I struggle to breathe, although that may be psychosomatic, so I tend to go on a shopping spree to all my four local food outlets at once, every 7-10 days.
Update: I bought a load for my staff last week, in case they wanted to wear one, and have just tried one on myself. Really uncomfortable, to be honest, and I'm certainly not looking forward to wearing one for eight hours straight. I could cope with it for a shopping trip, but a full shift is something else entirely. Anybody got any tips for something a bit more comfortable? I have no difficulty breathing, these ones are just really pinchy.
It's been made very clear that we're not supposed to use medical masks, because they (rightly) should be saved for people who really need them.