It's a great plan, until you realise you need to section off all the vulnerable, all their family, all carers and all carers families. Then any support for the carers. That's a lot of people that are not allowed to even go to the shop. Or get petrol. Or break down. Or take deliveries.
It's pretty clear the most vulnerable need shielding far better. The next highest infection rate is for the large majority among young people who are studying and are very low risk. I am happy for hospitality that it shows them to be some of the safest places to be. No way should pubs/restaurants have to shut again. People need some leisure places open to relax in.
Agree. I have to travel with college students who obviously aren't in a bubble, yet flout distancing rules by sitting together. Greeting each other by kissing and going "girlfriend". The youth simply don't care and I honestly think younger people are more immature than they ever have been.
Definitely mate, he can hardly follow up the Chief Speculation Officer and the Chief Carefully Chosen Misleading Graph Scales Officer today with an announcement that he isn’t going to do anything tomorrow can he?
It would make them all look very foolish if he did. With that in mind, I expect them to announce an air bridge with America and all expense paid ‘covid holidays’ to Miami.
So no question that the scientists were sent out to prepare the ground for tomorrows "Circuit Break" Their presentation unfortunately is somewhat skewed - especially the graph showing 50K cases in mid October - - covid is growing in some parts of the UK - mostly those in some form of lockdown - but in others its fairly static. We havent had a chance for the latest lockdown in the North to take full effect so I dont believe his projection is a reflection of what happens if no additional measures are introduced. -Where is the anaylsis of the reasons for the increase - is it opening pubs and restaurants, sending schools back - do they have figures like those shown by Loco? - if as Locos figures show the schools and offices are the main drivers for the increase will this be reflected in the actions - or will the focus being on forcing us to do dangerous things because they are good for us even if not that enjoyable but stopping us doing less risky enjoyable things because they need to be seen to do something All I know is a lockdown like the one last March will kill the economy and lead to even more massive job losses than we are currently facing I also think it its tried a large minority will ignore it anyway as the govenrment has lost the moral authority Lets see the detail of what Boris decrees tomorrow but I fear it wont be well received
No, I don’t think I’ve said that. Why are you making stuff up? Is it because you’re not confident enough in your argument?
So, if something that isn't happening happens, we're in trouble? But might happen. But we don't know. What a way to run a government. There should have been a "If a moderately slow increase continues" graph as well. Simple, shameful scaremongering. It’s an incredibly infectious disease, been around since at least January, spreading like wildfire until we even thought about doing something about it, yet about 8% of you have had it & 17% in London?! Can it be both of those things? I could be wrong on all of the above and these guys (hopefully) know a lot more than me. Would be nice if they would have taken a few questions on it.
Above my pay grade and yours in reality. That's what the six figure sums are paid to politicians for. But surely you could operate the same circumstances we all endured for the national lockdown, but just for a category of people? If the majority are still going about their day to day under social distancing guidelines then things like home deliveries from supermarkets are much easier to manage and not overloaded. Increased testing. That way if you take a test, get a result within 48 hours, and then self isolate for that time, you're able to go and see your loved ones who are being protected knowing you're negative. Investment in to getting supplies delivered to those in need. Why does it have to stop at supermarkets? Why can't a plan be created? Create jobs through investing in more care workers. Make more tests available to those carrying out those jobs so they can visit those being protected more often than they do now knowing they're virus free. There's loads more things could be done. But I don't see why you couldn't build on the above to provide protection and normality to the UK.
Nicola just said that further restrictions in Scotland will happen within 48 hours. She is to have a telephone call with Johnson laying out Scotland’s position and telling him he must make decisions immediately. If not we go it alone. But she’d much rather have a 4 country co operation in the battle with COVID.
It's the PHE data around institutions. Obviously not all cases are covered because there's still such a high percentage being contracted within the household (or at another household).
I dont see where they get this doubling every 7 days from - nothing in that graph supports it Just looked at the figures and the 7 day moving average looking back over the last 3 weeks 20th Yesterday = 3679 13th - 1 week = 3050 6th - 2 weeks = 1812 so 2 weeks ago it increased by 1.67x last week it increased by 1.2x How is the that an exponential increase? Not doubting that there is a worrying increase but at least put honest slides up not complete fabrications
They did caveat two or three times that it wasn't a prediction just a scenario. If you doubled, and then doubled, and then doubled, etc.
Whitty and Vallance showed why they never do press conferences alone. They are so lacking in charisma it should have been at 11 pm to send us all sleepy ready for bed. Out they come saying what Cummings sorry Boris wants them to in presenting the worst case scenario and showing no optimism and giving the nation some hope to cling on to. No mention of T cells.
I don’t know if there’s a pay-grade in the land that covers this to be honest. It’s an impossible decision. The problem is that if you allow the virus to get out of control, the vulnerable realistically cannot have any contact with anyone that has been in contact with anyone outside of this vulnerable ‘bubble’. If allowed to spread like that there’s such a high risk of getting it from absolutely anywhere that it’s impossible to manage. The vulnerable, their household, carers and their households could not have any contact with the outside world. That’s a hell of a lot of people that can’t go shopping, get petrol, break down or take deliveries. This should already have happened and honestly it’s criminal that it hasn’t. Again this should have been done already. But there still contact there with delivery drivers etc. It’s a massive risk if the virus is rampant. I think this should have been done years ago, but we all know how that’s gone. A test only covers someone until the next time they come in contact with someone that’s not been tested recently or had no contact with anyone though. As was mentioned today by Prof. Whitty, as you increase your own risk, you increase that of others. Anyone you come in contact with or who comes in contact with them. Eventually this will reach someone vulnerable. What should have happened months ago is a proper contact tracing app. One using the Google and Apple APIs, as so many other countries have done. But no. We knew better didn’t we. Dom’s mate got the contract and failed to deliver and now we’ve got nothing. Good job Boris.