We tolerate racism on here. It's bad form, apparently, to call people out on their motivations. You've got to skirt round it, tippy toe, pretend that they're bringing up the issue for, erm, reasons, and be polite. F*** polite. And the same people do it over and over again. Of course we've got racists supporting Barnsley. Racism exists in every society in the world. Barnsley FC are not immune to attracting such people. Neither is this BBS. You can do something about it, I've been doing stuff for the last 35 years. But in doing that I've had to front up to some proper neanderthals and I wouldn't recommend it. It's a tough gig. But we can do something on here without having to have that face off. Stopping this garbage, that was posted only yesterday, would be a start. And they do it all the time. https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/nottinghill-carnival-looks-good-this-year
I can guarantee you admin don't. Zero tolerance. Unfortunately we can't read every post, and we rely on people to report posts. I can guarantee if there's any racism spotted by or reported to us, it will be dealt with. As for the Notting Hill thread, I've just had a look and tbh I don't personally see any racism on any of the comments. Obviously the Met have been proven to be institutionally racist, but not sure I've seen any racist comments from posters. Please do point us to it though, if I've missed it...
What's the motivation for posting it Marc? In your opinion? Particularly as the incident was actually from last year. And what do you think to the reaction to TitusMagee's argument? You want blatant racism, well no, you'll not get that. It's much more subtle now. It's like the thread I highlighted, it's 'What do you think of this?'.. and posting a link to something that's attempting to appeal to fear. And always fear of something that's perceived different. Black people are different, you've got to fear them. And they keep doing it.
I'd also ask you consult with @wombwell-red about what he thinks about that thread. Within it he writes two of the most eloquent replies I've ever read on this forum. I'm not as intelligent as he is, I go in face first and get my head kicked in. I certainly can't speak for him, I've never met him, I've never spoken to him, but I do think he'd have an opinion on it. Also, when I said 'We tolerate racism on here', I absolutely didn't mean site admin. I meant us, the community. We won't allow blatant racism, but we do allow people to insidiously post their agenda over and over and over and over and over and over again.
I always tended to go to away games in the Midlands, and to be fair the predictable racist chants were always shouted down as far as I could see. I do think the club could do a lot more in the way of banning though - it shouldn't be up to us to police it. Regarding recent threads on the board, I know exactly what you mean @Jay, but can also completely see why the admin find it tricky. There's a whole racist right wing playbook which relies on dogwhistling whilst remaining innocent on the surface. It's tricky to stamp out in national media though, or even in parliament, so surely we've got to give the guys who run this board a pass! I think in general there are enough right-minded people here who tend to call it out. Apart from anything else, the usual suspects don't seem bright enough to actually convert anybody. I'd prefer it if they weren't here at all, but they're basically screaming into the void.
I'd have a read through the thread from the other week about the 5 star Hotel Barge - you'll get your fill on there. Amusingly, there's one who's posted in this thread who doesn't really like brown folk coming over here.
I'm glad I went to bed to be honest, don't think I could have continued banging my head against the wall.
Just because my opinion on immigration differs to yours doesn't make me a racist. Even though you like to call people that on here often I asked admin to look through if I had said anything racist ban me. I'm definitely no racist like I've already said I've pulled people at football about it on more than one occasion.
Shame you didnt think b4 jumping in. You'd have saved all the hassle you gave me. With wrong assumptions. I quoted MY experiences. Didn't question anyone elses.yet you persisted to make something up that wasn't there. Stop trying to be clever with your snide remarks might help.
People: There's racism at Barnsley games. HF: I haven't heard any. People: Just because you haven't heard any doesn't mean it doesn't happen. HF: Well I haven't heard any. People: We get that. But just because you haven't heard any doesn't mean it doesn't happen. HF: Well I haven't heard any. People: Dies inside HF: THAT PROVES MY POINT HAHAHA GOT YOU. People: Continues to die inside. Any further posts you make in this thread I'll refer you to this one. Enjoy your day.
Glad you wrote that piece of fictional ****. Just shows the ignorance of yourself. Once again never said it didn't happen. Get off your sanctimonious high horse. Nice day to yourself.
Have we as a club ever investigated, identified and taken action legal or bans against racist people inside Oakwell ie at games? Im not sure i recall and im wondering how good we are at managing this with home and away fans?
No. I just pointed out that you were racist on the Barge Thread and you burst into tears. And I'll continue to point out any racism on this board. Its so sweet that this exchange has occurred about ten hours after Jay's excellent post about how racism is ignored in society as a whole, which is mirrored by the BBS. Go and re-read that other thread and your posts in there. You ought to hang your head in shame the way you dehumanised people in that.
Burst into tears because I know I'm not what you and your little clique tried to paint me out to be. For a political point score because my opinion differed to yours. I agree with Jay's post earlier up and the poster he's on about and the carnival thread. If you read what I put in that thread you might learn abit about me and who I am instead of calling people racist because their views on immigration are different to yours.
I've just tried to find the Barge Thread. It's been deleted. I wonder why. All brushed nicely under the carpet so your little jibes about the migrants are deleted from history. Lucky you. Its a shame really, as the stuff where you belittled "Africans" about how they communicate and continued to speak about fellow human beings are lost forever. We get it. You hate them immigrants coming over here in their 5 star hotels with their mobile phones. How they dare they LOITER. How they've got no way of communicating back to their families because they're daft Africans who probably still haven't invented the wheel. As was pointed out to you on there. Just because you don't think something is racist doesn't make it so.
Again making stuff up to paint a picture of someone you know nothing about. As I said then on here is very political if you don't agree with the clique you get mud thrown at you and painted a picture. About 4 years ago on here I made a joke about Diane Abbotts maths commenting on a post and got called a racist, let's put that into perspective that's like someone saying Cole, Thiam or cavare are poor footballers and me saying that's racist. Anyway I won't be commenting on anymore political threads to get jumped on by the clique and painted to be something I'm not. If you want to get to know about me before calling me names that aren't me pm me... but you won't because you don't have the audience then. Anyway have a good day.
They can only do something if it actually gets reported or enough evidence to ban people. Like the poster on here on his high horse heard so much racism so he has stopped going, has he confronted the people? Or even reported it to the club or steward? If not your part of the problem even just get the kick it out app you can report on their without even speaking to a steward.