Woman found dead in Rawmarsh on sunday, two people already been arrested for the murder. Young girl found seriously injured and died on friday in Rotherham, man arrested on suspicion of murder and bailed. Two murders over the weekend within a population of 270k. Crime happens wherever there is a large gathering of people, the post you're responding to is correct. Perspective is definitely needed.
just been on the Barnsley district crime figures for 2021/22 we had 3 murders, Tower Hamlets had 7, the crime rate per 100,000 people is 10775 in Barnsley, 11190 in Tower Hamlets ,violent crimes have risen by 25 percent in Tower Hamlets and by 105 percent in Barnsley in 10 years, think Titus as a point to be fair, what is scary is both places have had over 9000 incidents of stalking and harrassement, that must be down to arguments on Social media, scary figures those
What about music festivals sexual assault, drug deaths and assaults at those every year we should ban those. But it's easy to see why the carnivals get negativity by people who would never go to them
https://www.varbes.com/crime/barnsley-crime https://www.varbes.com/crime/tower-hamlets-crime quite interesting reading, quite scary how dangerous Barnsley getting, your perceptions it be worse in London, especially as our average age is 42 to there 31
And @ubique_tyke perhaps if you hadn't been rude and dismissed my opinion as laughable you wouldn't have got the response you had from me. I don't like responding like that to people and don't tend to.
Correct... people don't see the amount of people in one small area as equivalent to a large town's population, yet if someone in Huddersfield gets murdered hardly anyone bats an eyelid. Weird.
Been to plenty of music festivals and carnivals I know which I felt safer at and which had the better atmosphere. Like said the people on here criticising carnival would never go and have never been.
If there was an annual carnival held in Sheffield with an attendance of two million mostly Caucasian visitors and the inevitable availability of alcohol and drugs what would you expect the outcome to be?
I moved back into the middle of Barnsley a couple of years ago and there have been two murders and a rape within a couple of hundred yards of my house so far. That’s more than the 6 years I spent in Liverpool, year or so in Brighton and 14 years in London combined. My daughter turned 18 last weekend and my worry factor has gone off the scale. If she goes out in town and isn’t coming back with her boyfriend I’ll be going down to walk her home.
Correct. Huge gatherings in public. create a safer environment for the criminals not to get caught. Especially theft. No checking of bags. like football. Stop and search will have little effect given the numbers attending. It's unacceptable behaviour. But in perspective you are right. And it will not stop folk going in future. In the year ending March 2022, there were around 45,000 (selected) offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales (excluding Greater Manchester Police Force). This was 9% higher than in 2020/21 and 34% higher than in 2010/11.11 Jan 2023 125 per day in a population of 60 million. Or more than 2 per million. Worth a read and indicates how the carnival is treat on reports with other huge events. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/notting-hill-carnival-still-connected-30778885
Is that the same Metropolitan Police Federation that was caught out literally making stuff up about last years carnival?
I kind of agree with you both. Perspective is needed, But being blasé and accepting about violent crime isn’t. Society needs to take a look at itself. It’s all our problem.
I don't think I've been blasé about it at all, I said from the start it was bad. And I agree that it is all our problem and that was the point I was making.