Not him no
Nope never again!
I’ll Come collect tomorrow if you like where you based?
Guy I used to work with had a stutter he was nicknamed hot chip
All I’ll say further on the matter is that he definitely shows incel tendencies and the things he says on here are generally filled with sexism...
He’s not funny never been funny.. sexism and misogyny lovely combo for the closet incel
Just done an electrical install Here couple Of my lads and the staff shop is cracking
Looks to have a bit!!
Anyone have the maintenance managers contact details at oakwell? thanks in advance
Pines is garbage.. cosgrove as much use as a garden gnome! Clarke hasn’t a clue either
You should all check Simon Wilson out does travel stuff and no money challenges really entertaining.. and old Karl pilkington podcasts listen to...
Mechanical engineering apprentice on dungeness nuclear power station. Worked for EDF for 10 years left due to personal circumstances now...
Can absolutely guarantee that the two centre forwards in the pink boots aren’t scoring at Wembley
Separate names with a comma.