Maybe if we hadn’t have voted Brexit, which is emblazoned on your profile picture, then this massive increase of boat crossings wouldn’t be an issue.
He'll go abroad.
Rodrigues works hard but isn’t a footballer
Definite penalty. Now time for the subs where it all does to sh it.
Rotherham are absolutely dreadful
Tesla and I drove one for 2 years.
For all intents and purposes, he's no longer a BFC player. On loan for the rest of the season and out of contract. Open to criticism
No, not at all. The fact that he's played loads of minutes this year and hardly looked like scoring other than the good finish at Lincoln. He's...
He's no good.
Diego Leon, lovely girls bob.
Interestingly, MDG gets it 100% wrong again.
More chance of him doing a 300 yard drive
Not sure I agree mate. Sack them both yes, but sacking Clarke might get better result almost immediately. He's absolutely out of his depth,...
Feel for Clarke? He's a major part of the problem.
Absolutely awful again
Separate names with a comma.