If you shout at a Royal in public, you get arrested and thrown in jail https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-62889396
Cant help thinking the person responsible for causing the breach of the peace wasn't the one arrested
Scandalous from the police. I've argued all week for the time and a place thing and for some sensible discussion but peaceful protest should not lead to an arrest. No doubt some in the police force feel emboldened by Suella and co.
I know what you're saying, and I'm not condoning anyone, but how would you like to be shouted at as you walk at the back of your Mum's coffin?
If my Mum had paid millions of pounds in hush money to cover up my noncing, I probably wouldn't be that bothered.
I wouldnt care to be honest if it was some radom bloke Ive never met, I would be more concerned about thinking about Mum. But given the way Andrew has behaved he doesnt get any sympathy from me - Any of the other 3 I would be more sympathetic towards
I know - personally I wouldnt go and yell at him at any time and not now but I still think if you make a public procession and you have a very dubious past its not realistic to expect no one to take issue
Person on internet defends lambasting a man who shags under aged girls on the basis "his mum just died". Poor guy couldn't even salute.
How is yelling abuse at someone in the street a 'peaceful' protest? In my experience yelling is anything but peaceful. Just saying. There has to be some context in reference to freedom of speech and right to protest. There is a time and a place and a funeral procession of a monarch attended by hundreds/ thousands is neither. People at football matches who shout and yell when a minute's silence is being held are often told to STFU by their peers. Is that not suppressing freedom of speech too? Not defending Andrew BTW he is an absolute disgrace.
So you can be a publicly funded international sex offender without consequence, but shout at a bloke and you get arrested. Seems fair.
This case is not about some family's grief.it is about in a democratic country, someone being cautioned and charged with a breach of the law ,for stating a opinion in public. This is more serious for our law and freedom, than any of the stuff going on at the moment. The last Home Secretary was trying to bring in regressive, draconian laws which prevent protest in public. Sorry to be appearing to have a go,T67,I am not,but I believe our rights and freedoms are under sustained attack from this government.
There are very polarising posts on here and else where whenever anyone mentions free speech. I wouldn’t really want to live in a world where people can walk around shouting at funeral processions, but I guess if people that strongly about it, then they should be allowed to. Unfortunately it then means that people who want to shout things at other people should be allowed to if they feel strongly about something. Given the things some people feel strongly about, I’m certain it won’t end well. The last thing I want is for people who hate foreigners coming over here using anti monarchist free speech to justify their own free speech. I don’t know why people feel the need to go out of their way to upset people unless it’s just no or attention.