He asked a question if I'm calling you that look at the response. I never said you was but if the cap fits and all that...I said alot of your post are of a similar agenda so people could interpret it that way.
Leeds sword incident - involving people of a certain skin colour Notting Hill Carnival - festival primarily involving people of a certain skin colour Both topics brought up by the original poster here. https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/any-benefit-experts.319304/page-4 - then there's tbis thread which someone even highlights the OP of this topic is presented with facts and figures but still sticks to his ill informed beliefs. https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/racism.320638/page-2 - where my favourite quote from the OP is " Everyone’s offended by everything, someone says somet that the next person doesn’t like and you’re a racist or sexist or homophobic……." Racist? If the cap fits indeed.
Where’s your phone number ,not sent it yet to me I see,my female mate wants a word with you after you slaughtered her on here
Having read the op where is an mention of colour or race mentioned.Read it several times and there is none whatsoever.When I was growing up I was taught that if I was wrong I should appologise.Some on this post should take the advice I was taught.
The Notting carnival, I think I posed the question was it acceptable to man man handle a police officer like they were doing? And my initial post on this thread was an overall assessment at the state of youth today, If you actually cared to look instead of jumping on the ‘let’s play the racist card’ you’ll see there’s a mix of white and black kids, it’s some on here who’ve picked up the supposed racist tone not me, I couldn’t give a shiney ***** if someone’s black white pink gay or straight……. The problem people have is that If someone dares to make so much as a comment about something they find it easy to label someone a racist……for what it’s worth I think we have a massive problem in this country accros many spectrums and this is fueld by a poor government and a cultural issue, that doesn’t make me a racist though.