He's been sacked, if he was a Tory he'd have been promoted.
Neil Shipperley
Woodworking channels. Unfortunately they're mostly American. And once watched a bloke wallpaper behind a radiator without taking it off:D
Local shop for local people.
Which does beg the question as to why the defence didn't ask for the data?
In that case as many deaths would have occured when she wasn't on shift as when she was.
For me, statistically could this number of deaths and incidents have occured at any other comparable neo-natal unit? If not, then something else...
I wonder if we had someone lined up, done and dusted, but then someone dropped an administrative error somewhere?
9 months winter and 3 months bad weather.
Stead's coaching?
He's got god on his side.
I wonder if it mentions Biggus Dickus?
We shouldn't be taking players we've no chance of signing on loan - develop our own.
When was he nice?
This absolutely. Maybe if we weren't in or near the play-offs it might have been different?
I've got a good feeling about this kid, simply based on the fact that him signing has sent Hemmsy apoplectic.
Will they boll0x "be at an all time low".
Yes, give Nzondo and Dyer goes; at worst they'll be as effective as Cosgrove has been.
Separate names with a comma.