Stranger things av happened but doubt it..more chance of getting points dropped this week so cant finish in play offs,I also think we've released...
I hope so Steve,if players and fans cant be up for this it'll be devastating.blackpool first they have to win us so they'll be coming at us from...
This is where you need some older heads in side,some say Collins hasn't improved any players,older heads can fetch players on,stop em from...
That's him nice one
Did he play for Blackburn, Shearer got at hatrick at oakwell I think and I went lerds road and he got 1 in front of us it wa that quiet wen he...
You on acid or summat lol
Really cheered me up that,thx tyke.
Larry may dropped a player vaguely remember headbutt I think,cant remember match or if it wa a punch bad memory me na,it wa deffo assault and av...
Who ever said life begins at 40 were lying 2hats.
Staff and players have more pressure at home,simple passes become difficult that's why we have to get behind em,it lifts em,but were human we...
Trevor was on loan from palace couldn't hit a barn door for us went back to them and blasted 1 in,long time ago mi dad used to take me when Galvin...
Remember the miracle season,could be the imps turn,thats5 wins on the trot for them,it might sound daft this but this result didn't hurt as much...
Loads we've a chance of going on a decent little run us with some of games coming up,if we won't have been 2.0up a wunt av been so pissed off but...
Well try and out play em if not well change tactics and walk through cosgrove should prob be starting well av to wait and see
2.1most games
Cuts both ways though wen we go level and crowd get behind us they must think too a.. t,coyr
Nice its gonna get exciting if we can beat these' tell ya wat a hate everytime footy seasons over am a yr older times just flying can't believe I...
Thanks for that mate
Let's hope kane dont get another yellow.
Shall I just give you my number on ere na
Separate names with a comma.