Even Blades TV think we're playing Burnley!! They have changed it now ;)
My dad has budgies and he's not long bred some babies, I don't mind giving you his number if you are interested. He's in South Hiendley
Only one of our dogs will use the one we have but we've taken it to bed and slept on it :D
We've got both the tens machine and a heat bag and they both have benefits. Lloyds chemist do one that's as good as any...
Which one you gone with?
I bought and tried to play The Last Guardian when it was released but that made me feel sick which is a known issue. The jury is out with the VR...
Yeh that's another place to watch some videos, sounds like you should be ok then
Do you know the exact model of the GPU. Yeh your right they're not cheap and if it doesn't work then that's a pain. I suppose it's a case of...
I'd typed my reply before you put on a few specs and that it run ok. Although VR gives the specs as fairly low to run you need something decent....
Unless it's a gaming laptop you've no chance on even the game running never mind the VR. You need a gaming graphics card and a general all-round...
My dogs are very well trained but the breed barks, don't ever buy a Miniature Schnauzer if you want a quiet dog!! Thankfully they only go out back...
I wanted the Peugeot e208 but the base model was dearer to rent than the top of the range Corsa and they are the same car anyway. It wouldn't...
I've just got a new Corsa e, its only a month old but i'd struggle to go back to diesel/petrol. Plugged it in the other day and from 60 mile to...
Can you do this online, cheers
That may be our problem then cause although it's a joint account it always uses my name and council tax is in his name
We've not got ours yet and i read Barnsley council were supposed to be sorting it a few weeks ago
We've just said same
He doesn't break a sweat any game, he's pedestrian slow
You'll be glad you haven't been able to watch it although the pen was never a pen, having said that we may as well be playing basketball cause...
:D:D I was mad enough to pay a tenner and fly to Italy so that was my Saturday ruined
Separate names with a comma.