I'm not trying to side-step anything. I have every intention of settling the bet if I lose. 22nd January 2021 it is then.
That's very noble of you Marc but I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy and a bet is a bet. So come 20th January, BIADS may be the recipient of my £20...
Not the Messiah? Not the Comedian either by the look of things. Oh well.... at least you gave it a go, eh. Bless.
Fear not Bossman... I'm not planning to go anywhere just yet.
Yes.... I suspect you will hear from me then.
You said Biden would be President on 4th November 2020. You said Biden would be President on 18th December 2020. You are saying Biden will be...
I’ll pay up if and when the bet is lost. The shoplifters are about to leave the shop.
Haha.... utterly schooled. You are funny Micky. You old tool.
Officially President Elect? That will be nice for him. He certainly won’t be President though.
We’ll see :rolleyes:
I will be watching with interest. Popcorn for breakfast this morning. You still haven’t got a clue what is happening, do you? Never mind... you...
I don’t know what has happened or what is going to happen next but I can hazard a guess. Clever misdirection and subtle sleight of hand. Have you...
No that’s not what I think at all.
Well I was expecting ‘shock and awe’ today but that was certainly much swifter and cleaner than I was expecting. So swift and clean in fact that...
You poor lamb. You must be traumatised. I know we don’t always see eye to eye... but are you going to be ok?
I predicted that Trump would win the election and still think he will, but I simply can’t and won’t condone such utter barbarity and lawlessness!
Yes exactly and what about the fact that some of them are gently waving flags in such an openly threatening manner. Scum!
I’d just like to say that I roundly condemn such disgusting savagery. These people are nothing more then thugs!
These scenes are outrageous and truly terrifying. I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to sleep tonight having witnessed such horrific and...
I haven't seen that footage on PBS but yes I get your point. That does look truly horrific! Im off for my tea now but I'll probably be back later.
Separate names with a comma.