I wish we had a few Tony benns atm' great man..
Don't even think its policy' Boris johnson's tenure made sleaze and corruption not only acceptable but the norm and tory mp's were stepping out of...
Because they're seen as no more than ca Because they're treated as nothing more than commodoties' they are human beings and should be treated as...
I remember saying at the time of the coalition that getting into bed with the tories would set the lib dems back 20 years..
He was frustrating' he is obviously a good player but as you say far too much sideways and backwards passing' like a poor mans Ray wilkins.
Because we now live in a world where if someone has different opinions its acceptable to try to destroy them rather than just accept that their...
Crazy isn't it' he used it within the context of the question ' in his apology he spelled it out P × × i like a child at primary school' we're all...
Yeh' theres too many acts on to fill the weekend out' its like download' i remember when it was called the monsters of rock and you had a sterling...
Paul heatons set was excellent' nice to see Norman back on stage with him. Hacked off that squeeze's set wasn't televised' they're one of the best...
What a choice..
Teams have set up to defend against us in the group stages' last night they were very diciplined and were very hard to break down' very much like...
At first i thought Armstrong stepped across the defender looking for it but looking at the reverse angle it was a stonewall penalty' i'm sure if...
Gaza gets very limited coverage on our Israeli biased news platforms' tune in to aljazeera and get the true picture' its absolutely sickening and...
Get Eddie howe in and stop trying not to lose rather than playing to win' play to our players strengths ' we have one of the best attacking teams...
I don't mind the anthem but what i don't like is the way that crowd participation has been replaced by 3rd rate karaoke singers .
We certainly have' they don't even try to hide it' Boris johnson has normalized sleaze and corruption and they carry it out with complete impunity...
Sunderland aren't gonna pay £2 mill and he certainly hasn't put himself in the shop window thus far' take the first sensible offer and get him off...
Sir Keir could dip into the £75 billion he's pledged for missiles and bullets' we can always find money for wars...
Instead of constantly granting planning permission to big developers like Barratt' Redrow etc' why don't the council buy the land themselves and...
Theres a trend happening all over Europe so theres obviously a big problem somewhere along the line that needs confronting' the obvious answer is...
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