If it were Oakwell the players would probably throw them back and vast majority would go way over the stands
Neil (Simply Red) Fearn (Heinz) Muller Derek (Archey) Bell (and the Drells )
6/10 Lots of work to be done , not sure some of these players are good enough for this league but I expect Duff will weed them out and hopefully...
Just depends who and where you work tbh , Having a **** whilst getting **** on isn’t much fun imo .
They confuse me tbh although I know which one Ant is I’m not sure which ones Dec .
Peter (Bruce) Springett(steen) (Rod) Stewart Barraclough Winston (Glen) Campbell
Jacob (Jackson)Browne Amin (Shirley) Bassi Matty Wolfe (Tones)
Robbie Williams Billy (Mick ) Ronson Tommy Taylor Swift
That reminds me of a joke all those years ago about a gang of lads walking home to Birdwell after a night on town. They get as far as Tracky Sheds...
RIP Shenk 1 , sincerest condolences to family and friends My hearts just shrunk into my chest hearing this , it really is a shock when someone on...
Other side for me Industrial Ring O Bells Liberal club Gardeners Silvers ( forget what they call pub before ) Rose & Thistle (remembered it thanks...
I don’t blame them tbh if that’s how they call it, However it’ll always be Wales to me just as Deutchland will always be Germany or Allemania if...
It’s hard to put greatest as there were different players for different times , divisions and relevant teams they were in , My dad always loved...
Wishing a full recovery for yer dad SD as for Laura , she owes you one , use it well :cool:
Tbh they soon disappear soon after kick off , fanfare always takes me back to good times though .
Still get goose bumps when fanfare played .
Happy birthday mate , av a goodun
MOTM imo was the referee just for blowing the fkin final whistle .
Kitching Shouldn’t be near a football pitch
Just watched another smug Tory walk into number ten to make some more money for his already rich friends . Then turned up to watch this ***** on...
Separate names with a comma.