Well, as election time is nearly upon us and tough decisions need to be made, I thought I would thumb through the mass of leaflets that come...
Just arrived home after seeing a good friend take his last breath, I was honoured to have been there at the end. This was a man when had dodged a...
Absolutely Heaving…..barrier’s at top and bottom of the Arcade…..one way in and one way out
A man had two of the best tickets for the Champion League Final. As he sat down, another man came along and asked if anyone was sitting in the...
The Royal Navy found they had too many officers and decided to offer an early retirement bonus. They promised any officer who volunteered for...
I’m sure Bruce gave £150,000 to the fund to feed striking miners……
Just remember, behind every angry woman.. There's a man with absolutely no ******* clue about what the hell he's done wrong.
My wife, Julie, had been after me for several weeks to paint the seat on our toilet. Finally, I got around to doing it while Julie was out. After...
Whatever happens down Oakwell I predict the manager will not be good enough for our fans and any players signed will be crap before they kick a...
Surely retained list must be due
True Love❤️❤️ I walked in to the Red Lion; there she was, dark skinned with highlights on top. I asked a friend is she would introduce us; she...
AnybodyI’ve got a couple of tickets for Man Utd v Newcastle on Wednesday if anyone’s interested????…….They’re really good tickets…..both in the...
I expected United to get hammered today but they stuck at it and the crowd stuck with them…..maybe a lesson to be learnt by some of our fans
Separate names with a comma.