I’ve got no view either way on Alan Sugar. I only mentioned him because I remember him using that term.
I don’t remember the last time I enjoyed watching England playing away so much. Thanks to my Bt Sports subscription (£20 per mth) I can watch the...
We imported it many years ago when the “Carlos Kickaballs” from Argentina and the like started flooding into the game. Alan Sugar called them...
Another Saddam Hussain event.
Highway Code or not it’s a stupid way of driving. Reverse into a space every time (or your drive way)
Just shown it again from different angles and the defender definitely pulls him down. No reason for our player to simulate as he had a good...
It's a good game spoiled by yet another incompetent ref
Ref is playing for Brum today. What a surprise. I mean - fair enough. They are bigger than us. Oh and there goes another booking - Phillips...
They are obviously morons booing a player who gave them seven years good service.
Ref should have sent theirs off for that - shocking challenge which nearly cut our player in half
Cracking effort from Phillips :D
James Earl Jones - easy mistake
Connell booked again. I'd have him off right now!
Not good seeing their lad stretched off
So an 18,000 attendance announced later then?:)
Paid my ten quid so happily sat on my "Polish" computer chair watching the action. Don't like the look of their front two. Will take some stopping.
Fantastic morning session with ball and then bat. Pity Crawley got out after creaming two elegant fours the way he did but there’s always someone...
It's this kind of thing that the TV cameras focus on far too often, usually when a goal is scored. If there is very small divide between the two...
I’ve never been but I do remember that they used to stage international matches now and then so it must have been a decent ground then.
Yet another bit of football law nonsense. I remember this piece of slime making a show of turning his back on his team mates around the centre...
Separate names with a comma.