On the upside there's a picture of him on The Guardian front page. He looks to have lost weight and in some way looks ill. We can but hope.
Well in one sense yes. But to take the example of drinking bleach, who in their right mind would come out with that? And to what end?
Depends on how you interpret ‘moron.’ It’s no longer a medical definition but generally defined as stupid or foolish. On just about every issue...
Just over 100 years ago, American journalist HL Mencken was appalled that Warren Harding became president. “When Dr Harding prepares a speech,...
I think Aldous Huxley nailed it in his Brave New World revisited. This was written in 1958. Note that ‘propaganda’ is defined as ‘information...
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as...
Extracts from letters to The Barnsley Chronicle 1947…. “Their own countrymen won’t have them. Why should we?” “What meals, money, clothes are...
Mrs Statis convinced that Thomas Dolby’s… “The night we stole a Datsun and drove all night to the Everglades” is…. “The night we stole a...
[MEDIA] Worth a watch when it comes out.... Review...
An early match was mentioned in the 1647 diary of Adam Eyre, a gentleman and parliamentarian soldier of Hazelhead House, Thurlston. “April 4 -...
No. No. And no again. If you like that I can only suppose you’ve never tried to drive from London to Barnsley up the M1 on Christmas Eve. “I...
That was only the tabbies. I saw a few black and white one’s who didn’t look bothered, just sitting around, licking their bits.
The Birdie Song. Agadoo. No contest.
There is a law about this. ‘Christmas jumpers should only be worn on Christmas Day when you go out for a few pints at lunchtime before your...
It’s not just the drink though. Pubs used to be social hubs - real places full of real people. Where you’d meet friends, catch up gossip and...
Verily. Ye Club owner trying to raise a few extra groats for the club coffers
And I was there under the flood candle lights. 'Make haste ye reds!'
No. I suppose you weren’t around in the 60s/70s? May Day parades when the Russians brought out them big rockets so we knew what could happen. Or...
Moan, moan, moan, it’s not right, I want! I want! I want! Kin ‘ell. Social media. I’m just back after a good 6 week tour of God knows how many...
So can I. Putin will be given his territory in the name of peace. Netanyahu will bring peace to the Middle East through his ‘crimes against...
Separate names with a comma.