on the flip side why do we stick our beaks in other countries politics?
its profits below £50000, anything from £50000-250000 get whacked with a higher rate on a sliding scale, but it’s closer to 25% than 19% couple...
I Mentioned Dave challinor on another forum over 6 years ago - he was still at fylde at the time. these managers are out there - Craig rouse at...
The system has failed that poor child - the alarm bells would have been well and truly ringing when she was taken out of school in the april for...
You only have to look at the production of EVs compared to the production of ICEs - EVs produce more emissions in the manufacturing process. The...
I think some of the beef with him is that if he doesnt score or assist he can sometimes go missing. Areas of his game need work - tracking back...
I agree with it not being a red at Wembley- but he gave the ref a decision to make
no, millwall or Preston in January I’ve heard
I’ve said similar, but have a timesheet for each team. Then the officials should offer the element of extra time to the team winning for the...
I think another factor is times have just changed. Live Football on tv was a rarity in the 80s, now it’s saturation coverage. Most of us I would...
Someone having a differing opinion to me doesnt make me angry , its an opinion at the end of the day. Services wise things have been cut , no 2...
Yes I have. The key word was 'many' , I never used the word every. Your opinion , like mine, is based on experience
The public sector could be managed a helluva lot better - are there good people working in there? of course there are - but there are plenty (and...
A+ for a politicians answer! An answer without an answer to the question
You completely miss the point - he pays his fair share of income tax - by buying the farm he did nothing illegal - he was protecting his wealth...
But you’ve contradicted yourself in the first paragraph. as for the second part , the 2 examples (and I’m sure there are more) aren’t the true...
Like I said ‘by and large’ , the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again. The public sector needs the fat trimming,...
just worth pointing out his annual tax bill is more than most earn in a lifetime. The irony on this post isn’t lost on me. You say about...
Without doubt there are and most of what I saw was from very wealthy backgrounds - mine was far far from it - my parents were still paying the...
Separate names with a comma.