Do we have to wait till then to send him back.
I think we thought by bringing in hourihane and Roberts it would solve our problems in effect they have made it worse because neither are the...
Wonder what mr Clarke is going to say about this performance,can’t wait.
It wasn’t,t aimed at you it was him who said Craig will be a premier league player
Are you his dad.
Connell you are **** what the **** was that.
I couldn’t,t believe we brought Roberts back he,s past it .
Not only do I worry about the team ,the manager for picking this team. Why the **** do we keep persevering with o Keefe.
7 again anybody we are in inept defence shocking.
I went to see tears for fears recently never saw them in their hey day I was blown away still as good and Roland orzabal voice was awesome.
Sorry didn’t,t look properly.
No eurythmics have they drawn them out of a barrel
No tears for fears would be in my top 3 .
Christ his eyesight must be bad if he can’t play football without contact lenses I know tennis payers wear them which I can understand.
He isn’t,t a good keeper now.
Bit worrying legs have gone at 33 remember signing Danny Wilson as player coach at that age and he could still play a bit.
Complete waste of of time signing him we could have signed somebody that can actually play with the wages we are paying him.
15 million for that you think you would be getting someone better than him,don,t care how old he is. I wouldn’t,t give a hundred and fifty grand...
I thought you had to meet force with force should have dished out the aggro like they did.
So we bought Robert’s back as out solution to our problems at the back,unfortunately he,s nowhere near the player he was.
Separate names with a comma.