Soz mate, didnt mean to sound like i was having a pop.realistically nobody would have expected us to finish 5th,but wen we won 6 or 7 on trot wat...
There was nothing freaky about it,we played really well,if val was still here,we'd need morris fit,but we'd be working our socks off,with wat ive...
Its a good positive though mate.
Him and benson could make a big difference wen playin together.
If they want a bigger move there gonna av to get it together,were only 7games in.maybe they cant play in front of a crowd.
Like,alot, nice touch mate,we should leave it at that now.if benson would av played it would av been a different game today.
It's a reight meal,you feel sick after it, lol
You'd av thought they would av shown it on quest if he stayed in dugout,we were only 1.0 darn.
Were barnsley,with ad some miracle seasons.
Av we got more points this year than we had last yr, cant remember me.
I wouldnt say that,i think hes a good pro,ad say he's lost his confidence,all team a probably think in why aren't we playin like last year,woodrow...
I didnt go,so cant comment,but am not like in some of the comments,players should know how lucky they are to be proffessional footballers,they...
Trouble is,once he gets there he'll be off,i dont like being negative,makes you feel s..t., dont no if true, didnt fergie say no player should be...
So that tackle took him art.flippin eck.
Whats going off, dirty gets.wats leya look like bud pls, wen youve time.
Everytime a watch bidi printer or wat ever its called, your eye on new player let us know pls,hopefully something good to...
Thanks bud mate, would i be right in saying these av drawn there first 2gmes and took the lead in both, if so, lets hope there bottoms in defence...
New striker is on bench in he, hope he gets longer than last 20mins, sibbick said he wa good,am relying on mi fellow fans for updates.
A wa wrong it aint on dee dar radio.
He pulled out friday night, dont no injury,listening to dee dar radio, were on there.coyr.
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