If you stuffed the chickens with mangos you could have won master chef
What interested you about film/tv? Did any particular films or directors influence you?
Aye it's old Mick Dundee, don't worry I'm not going to get my knife out
Yeah that's something I've come across too that even when you are working alongside the police their superiority complex kicks in to over...
Is working in police intelligence as exciting and interesting as it sounds or is it more mundane and a lot of time and hard graft for limited...
Life can throw some curve balls and hindsight and experience can make us look back and wonder what might have been or if only?
Has Hannibal and face put a good word in for you? Good luck old pal, I'm sure you will be fine
If you could pick one of the jobs to do allover again, which would it be?
How's the education system changed, for better or worse since you first started? I'm guessing it's a different animal now?
I've been thinking how hard it is for kids to pick what they want to do when they leave school? And what the realistic opportunities are available...
You change jobs more than I change my pee stained undercrackers. Are you secretly a soldier of fortune and are touted out to local companies by...
I enjoyed watching that, thanks for putting it on. On paper we were a good side, maybe it was a bit early for Hourihane, Berry and Winnall to...
Anything for charity pal, I know your arms are too short to reach your pockets to buy your own
I've missed thi. Your opinion and view should always be welcome, some might agree with you and some might think your talking absolute knackers...
I'll try "history hit" and "we have ways" both sound of interest so I'll give them a try. "Our Thing" has got a decent back catalogue too for you...
He's 79 now but you still wouldn't fk abart with him. Some of his stories are brutal, it gives you a better insight into how the mafia worked
Brilliant thank you, I forgot to mention the Clinton Baptiste (phoenix nights) podcasts, odd but very funny
Cheers pal, is it fans, journalists or ex pros that offer their opinion?
Over the years we have had some great threads on here recommending TV shows and books but I can't remember seeing one about Podcasts. I listen to...
He was a very talented kid Bill, I remember at around the same time we had young Barraclough, Michael Coulson and Rory Fallon so there were a few...
Separate names with a comma.