Yes, Tucker Carlson, that paragon of virtue, says he 'lost' the only copy of a dossier of evidence. The same man whose own network said that no...
wonder how far back she wants to go. Those Christians can do one as far as I'm concerned. Back to the Old Gods - Traditional Gods with...
me too!!!!
4-1 to the Reds.
Special Forces from around the world
If you believe that, then I've got some Magic Beans for sale. It may say Heinz on the tin but they really are magic. You just have to wish hard...
So we've changed our laws on the say so of other countries to accomodate trade deals and that's supposedly us 'taking back control'. Hmmmm and...
managed tarn's twin town team too
I thought they'd brought in that simply touching the officials is a straight red. must have dreamt it.
I seem to remember a certain Mr Redfearn getting pelters after he'd signed permanently from Oldham. Gi the lad a chance
Aye, with uniforms too. Was it Pringle jumpers, with the colour denoting the gang. Now, what colour were the fleet again...?
It's other peoples' lives - and quality of life - not just me me me. There's a load of slagging off of people who support lock down , but what's...
It's so he can resign due to 'ill health', Pence becomes president and pardons Don the Con for all his law breaking.
You love that, you're gonna love Brexit. And it wasn't lock down that messed us up, it's the chronic underfunding and undermining of services and...
You mean a man with a licenced firearm? Defending himself and his partner from unannounced intruders? So which is it? Only take our guns from our...
What a load of toilet. The person on the warrant was already in custody elsewhere. Would you be ok with other extra judicial killings? Say, farage...
you do know that tax evasion dwarfs benefit cheating? by about 20x the last time I checked. Get the corporate scroungers in check and we can...
Ooh think I'll get that. Currently playing the mobile version. Just cant win the champions league with fc dordecht. Lost the last two finals. Boo...
just keeps taking me to my own information page - won't let me buy it. ifollow should de renamed ifollowthrough - cause they're about as useful as...
An illegal werther's original orgy? That implies there are also legal werther's original orgies too. Urgh
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