Hiya Mate. I was looking for that Wimbledon programme on Ebay last night and it wasnt there. Its not rare so keep checking. Why do you need it ??...
Keep your eyes on ebay. Its bound to turn up sooner or later
[MEDIA] Shows a bit of it here.
I was there n'all. I remember Elton John was introduced to the crowd at half time and the Barnsley fans were singing Charlie Williams's name....
I had a girlfriend quite recently I'll have you know... but then the Wife found out and I had to end it all.
Boooo !!! Why is it not in Red.
Yes that's him. Just look at the size of his head and shoulders against the people around him. It just looks bizarre.
I've always wondered who produced that team group as it is so obviously been doctored or photo-shopped as we would say today. Ive never seen the...
It is strongly rumoured that the Leicester game in 1961 exceeded 40225 but due to a safety licence the club thought it best to declare under 40000...
I know someone who met Michael Palin and asked him if the club Barnstoneworth was supposed to be Barnsley. Disappointingly it wasn't.
They think its all over .........................it is now
Ebay I think. It has a few family trees of the main Barnsley Dynasties and references lots of old documents. My copy has some very interesting...
I bought an original copy for £10 recently. If your into your wappentikes its well worth a read.
No I wasn't involved. The committee was driven by Benny Hill and its fair to say I didnt see eye to eye with his principles of charging fans for...
Found this teamgroup from 84-5 season with a mystery player on it. Any ideas who it could be ?? Its the ginger haired lad next to Winnie...
I'm the same as you on this one in that I didnt know anything about the covenant on the land until I read it in John Dennis's book. I think it...
As more newpapers become available online at the British Newspaper Archive you are able to read numerous match reports from the time. I only...
Definitely 130th as there is no continuation from Dove Wanderers to St Peters. If there was it would be our 132nd Year. Basically the "Players"...
Just prior to our 125 Celebrations I found this article from 1922. I'm not sure who wrote it and suspected it came from a local Almanac but it...
Cheers Bob, not a mention of it in the ifollow section
Separate names with a comma.