Blame him and the other one. Playing real life FM
Another scapegoat
That doesn’t account for ingrained arrogance It seems the owners are following the Nice method letting the minority run it. Big mistake
Shame it wasn’t a lead weight. Or George’s fat arse
Get shut and get shut quick. Both clueless
Easy excuse for strolling abart
Good one. Another blinded.
Haven’t you heard, I’m enjoying seeing us sink
No but it ought to open your eyes and yet you’re judging folk he trusted when they have been here 4 months.
Separate the man and the myth
No I haven’t. What I can see is you were conned the White Knight. Don’t feel bad, you aren’t alone
Got every penny back. Watch that glow from that halo, it might blind thi If they do he ******* picked em when local folks wanted in but his ego...
Might as well not bother
It is
Toby Tyke
Is this conjecture or fact?
Speaking of statues
Ah that’s it then. Could be worse, could be Stockport
What? Letting Peter Doyle buy it cos advisors said if he waited he’d get it for less?
Separate names with a comma.