Ahhh, the old "I have no argument, so I will make a pointless jibe" response. Good work.
I'm a nurse. I have seen first hand what COVID does, it is a horrible disease for the tiny minority who get a bad case of it, my whole argument is...
That's as may be, but we will see who is right in the fullness of time won't we? I just hope you can look your kids in the eye (If you have any)...
If this "pandemic" has shown anything, it has shown how many tarts are knocking about. People so indoctrinated and fearful that they just swallow...
Wish the council would use their heads and slow right down on the testing, less tests, less positive cases, lesser restrictions, better chance of...
I was joking, obviously. I honestly believe that what the video shows should be sent to the police, there's a difference between attempting to...
In 2020 woke Britain, it's sexual assault. EDIT - May aswell chuck in racially aggravated too while we're at it.
One isn't great, they are someone's husband/wife/child etc. I'm merely pointing out that the figures presented as they are being presented, is...
There are 48 beds at BDGH for acutely ill people caused by COVID. There is a "hot" zone for the severely ill, and a "cold" zone for those who are...
Because the first one did the trick. Even the WHO are saying that lockdowns don't work and that we shouldn't be doing it. Not to rehash old...
You have the right to remain silent as far as I'm aware. Peaceful, non compliance. Only way now.
I have paid my tenner. But without shaming anyone, money is tight right now, a tenner to some people is the difference between eating today or...
Matty James is undoubtedly a very good player, but is nobody else concerned that he has only played 5 minutes of competitive football in 2 years?
I wish I was as brilliant, witty and clever as you, not everyone can be amazing sadly.
Rule by fear, or at least it is a threat that most people will take seriously enough to think twice about 'rule' breaking.
You can always tell when it is the (call it what you like - but I will call it deep state agenda) being implemented as it does not matter one jot...
1-0 Boro. 45 + 2. Excellent.
None of that matters remember. As long as we are all safe!!
Separate names with a comma.