The weight limit for the hoist is 150kg. The 80kg is the weight the bin men are "allowed" to move due to H&S. The Green was suspended due to the...
Orwellian double-speak at it's finest.
The media hype surrounding this whole thing is disgusting. The ramping up of fear constantly. There is a picture doing the rounds on social...
The home kit and the third kit are brilliant, I have always hated that white and and green away kit in any guise, it looks cheap.
They were asked by management to self isolate for one of three reasons; 1. They have symptoms relating to Coronavirus. 2. They have a...
How do you empty bins on time when 75% of the drivers of the bin wagons are in isolation? You do know that council workers are not immune from...
PM'd ya.
He needed "resting" 10 games ago.
I cannot see there being much danger of you losing your seat! :D
I agree. The ship has sailed. We need to hope and pray these lads can put a run together.
Yes, but not through choice or this method being the intention of PC. PC bankrolled us, but he wasn't super wealthy so we had to sell the jewels...
It is simple. 1. Buy cheap players with "potential" on long contracts (3+ years) 2. Obviously get relegated from championship, but these players...
This whole self-sustainability is just another way of them saying "we are putting nothing in, if it pays off, happy days, if it goes tits up...
ignore him, he has been chucking grenades and running away all night. Great post by the way.
Are you Paul Conway?
Because, crazy though it is to say, you would think they would want to inform the people who pay their hard earned to keep the club going that...
Not even a statement from the club, or at any point in the last 6 hours have they said anything! Classless.
Got to be on a wind up. How anyone with more than two brain cells on active duty can even attempt to justify/condone/support this regime is beyond...
1. Best transfer window ever - Lie 2. Woodrow wasn't injured when signed - Lie 3. Bambo is injured - Lie 4. Bahre is ill - Not 100% on this but...
Separate names with a comma.