Be surprised if there was a job between them. They should be on their knees begging for more immigration. Hopefully Barnsley will follow the...
Still can't help feeling a bit sorry for these idiots. Ruined their entire lives out of pure stupidity. Stay in school, kids. Hopefully we can...
Anybody who claims that they didn't get the implication behind these 'peaceful protests' is either a liar or thick.
Never watched any boxing at all, but at the risk of sounding like my grandma it seems like everybody's had a nice time, so that's good.
Almost feel sorry for the halfwits who only got half the memo and were stupid enough to not cover their faces. The cops are filming it, your mates...
Great move for him; not convinced it's the best decision by West Brom.
I'm never going to apologise for saying that somebody who did this needs rehabilitation. They stabbed a whole bunch of people, including kids - of...
Can't help with most of it, but regarding your last line I'm pretty sure your domain isn't tied to WordPress, even if you bought it through them?...
I think counties will be allowed to do what they want with their shares though. The ECB will sell their 49% to private investors and hand the rest...
According to the Fleurets website it's up at £160k freehold (?!) with a three bedroom flat upstairs. Not sure about the property market up...
Sadly I'm nowhere near Barnsley, but hopefully it'll help some others out! I think I'm coming round to thinking that it doesn't seem urgent...
Unfortunately not. I rent a shop unit and the flat above it on a commercial basis. This seemed a much cheaper and easier option than splitting it...
Called somebody out to look at my boiler this morning, which had been broken and showing a fault for a few days. Only took half an hour to fix....
What was the score? Nothing on the website.
You've either rattled them off from the top of of your head or assiduously maintained a spreadsheet - not sure which, but I'd be impressed with...
You're right, turns out I did overlook that. I guess the white towards the bottom of the shirt confused me.
It's just a one-off to make a point. The white shorts will almost certainly be back next season. According to that link we've already worn red...
But then what if a new boss comes in and says "what about this?" and you're like "yeah, that might be better actually." That's surely just good...
Didn't clock that at the time, but it makes sense. Gets the message out there; nothing wrong with that. Also, a whole bunch of my friends now...
Interesting. I can't see us changing the default formation, but giving yourself the personnel to be able to switch things around if necessary,...
Separate names with a comma.