I honestly thought you were going to wish us all a Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas to you from someone who has the brains not to sit out in...
What about this thought then. By voting to leave we effectively took our goalie off the pitch and allowed our defence to pass balls to the...
I have a feeling our MP would struggle to even understand those questions. I get two votes as I influence with two ladies who hang on my every...
Theresa May is my hero because she is doing a fine job of showing how damn difficult it is to leave and is thus scuppering Brexit splendidly. All...
I wondered how you'd deal with the journey too all that way. There was some quite spectacular missing going on in the bits I did see. Agent...
That is cruel. Actually we do tend to stay put in the weather as much as possible (a) because certain folk at the top of the East stand see us...
It was better than being colder and wetter. I cannot help notice that when we sit up there Barnsley never win which means when the weather's bad...
Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon. It was surprisingly empty up there so I think quite a few people were avoiding the weather.
It is 4.47pm. We are on the train home already. [ATTACH] Monkey : We've never EVER left early before! All because the weatherman said it was...
Hammill was past it.
Ooo, I think I have 1200s in Devon thanks to some vicar bloke who looked into the Wreford family...they 'came out of Cornwall' round about then....
It's fascinating because not only do you get to understand how you came to exist ( and dozens of reasons why you might not have been born ) but...
I fear the whole journey will end up as a documentary on Ch5....'Gypsy Kids in Tarn'.
Thanks. We've been doing our tree since 1983, I have no idea how my parents did so much without the internet. I've pretty much found all the...
You should see what's in our tree. All sorts of dodgy characters in Barnsley. I was thinking about having it done as we have a dead end in Ireland...
[ATTACH] Monkey : Stop following me ! You should go that way and HURRY UP !! Lucky Heather : Thank you.
[ATTACH] Monkey is tucking into a nice healthy breakfast when Ronni comes running across the table shouting... Ronni : DAD dad DADDDDD !! They're...
One stopped us crossing the road on the way to the ground. Just doing it because he could. Completely unnecessary and enough to warrant an act of...
I'm good at blackmail. The stuff I know would raise an eyebrow or two.
This Big Lil ?[ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.