Agree with all of that. You could probably have in depth arguments on the influence of the caste system in Indian society but I'm not sure we have...
The point is it's better now. The best countries to live in are (generally) Christian but moving towards secularism.
I was a bit pissed off with that bloke. He was teased these shirts for three months and then he only had about twelve - none of which were in my size.
Me too. And now you've brought slavery into it. Let's leave it there because you are all over the place.
Plenty of bigotry in Christianity but not many people being killed in the name of it. Christians are probably the most victimised religious group...
What does any of this have to do with people being executed in the name of religion?
Unless the Stoke fans find out first!
What does that have to with people being executed in the name of religion?
Of course there was an outcry and rightly so. Most people executed in the US have committed heinous crimes and are not executed in the name of...
Look at all those Christian and secular countries where homosexuality is punishable by death.
Chances are he will have improved. The question we can't realistically answer is will the improvement be sufficient for the Championship?
So gays being stoned to death in Islamic countries is the fault of colonialism? Which colonial powers stoned gays to death? Or do you mean it's...
There probably was a person who was supposedly the son of God and maybe some people believed it and others didn't. I'm 99.9% certain there is no...
Starter for ten:-
Could you name some other leaders who use religion to suppress minorities such as gay men?
Could you do the same for Islam?
Staggering bigotry and hypocrisy in this thread.
So that would be a girl then. Twice the age of Aisha though.
Surprised there's been no mention of Carl Tiler.
What's the Quran about?
Separate names with a comma.