Devil Woman by Cliff Richard. Inspired by Thatcher.
The OP never confirmed if he still lived in the area or not.
Or maybe you could tell me. Assuming you still live in the area.
Well the OP has achieved one thing with this thread. He's finally created one that's made it to two pages. I can see this one getting to nine or...
I can only wonder what goes through their minds. I'm sure you said you had moved away.
Seeing as you voted for the party which destroyed this area, I'd be interested to know when you left it behind.
When did you move away from Barnsley?
This scenario doesn't really work in football though because the chances are that the employer will already know who "Stephen" and "Mohammed" are.
What do you think about it?
I can't even begin to fathom how abhorrent the Thai women's team must be. I reckon Kexborough Chiefs under elevens reserves would beat them. How...
From his behaviour as a player he seems to have just the right temperament for management.
Bit surprised this thread isn't about Friedrich Engels.
Jury is still out on all of them for me. I know the party line is that Hecky and Morais were completely to blame but these players must shoulder...
Can you give any details or are you sworn to secrecy?
Sounds like pie in the sky to me.
Just wondering if there are signs of activity in terms of ground improvements/fan zone. Apologies for the football post.
What insight does Alex Scott have that Graham Souness doesn't? Apart from him being completely unlikable of course.
It's been an all male punditry team most weeks. The teams playing have been all male every week though.
To be honest, I don't really mind if it's an all female panel commentating on the women's game - they're the ones who have played it after all....
Separate names with a comma.