Cannot for the life of me fathom this new found obsession with denigrating our tactics. All the evidence from the last 20 years has shown us is...
I don't think the aim is for Israel to be bothered. I think most people involved in a protest of this nature know that Israel isn't going to...
Presumably raising wider awareness of an issue people consider to be an injustice. Just because a protest isn't immediately going to resolve a...
With the greatest of respect I think this is a gross misrepresentation of the situation. Do I condone Hamas firing rockets which could injure...
I got offered Pfizer. No idea how they decide.
Yep. Just got my message to book at lundwood and I'm mid 30s so guess we're slightly ahead of the nationwide position.
Chronicle saying its a minor injury and being rested with hope he will be back for playoffs [emoji17]
Agree! It's been a massive frustration of mine for ages how teams slow the game down at free kicks. Standing in front of the ball, picking up the...
This has got to be up there for overhead kicks in a reds shirt [MEDIA]
Yep. Similar. Had to access via regular website.
Dane said the recall was related to appearances. If he wasn't playing enough he could be recalled but he thought it was easy for us to hit the...
Chris Dagnall - despite the effort didn't have the ability to cut it at championship level
Mowatt won't have a better option than playing with us in the prem. Dike would have lots of options from more established Premier league clubs so...
I suppose I meant was having a man who stands touching the front post and stays there. What I saw was someone vaguely in the front post area but...
I was thinking about this yesterday. I'm really surprised they didn't put a player on the front post. Anyone who has watched us will know the...
To be fair thought you saw it a bit in the Luton game - they tried to play out from the back a few times and just couldn't do it. We forced them...
Biggest question for me is why on earth did we need Helik following in the penalty. If there's anything to learn here it's that we probably don't...
Will be interesting to see how it goes second half with the wind. Usually you'd expect playing against the wind to be harder but might play into...
Absolutely agree. I think the thing that sums up how ridiculous the current situation is is that the referee and linesman had different...
Great read. It will be interesting to see whether we can use some of these networks to circumnavigate the post-Brexit visa rules. For example I...
Separate names with a comma.