Fair enough. But based on that interview, no prospective employer would touch him in a million years.
2 minutes 30 seconds? He could have got straight to the point in 3 seconds... ‘I don’t give a ****’
I met Chris Eubank once. He shook my hand. Had to prize my fingers apart after. He could have crushed my head like a grape.
100% agree. However. Having spent most of my life outside Yorkshire, I can say with absolute certainty that most people (even many years ago)...
Some folk did indeed call marbles 'nigs'. Dunno why.
Can anyone? I’m convinced the slide rule was just an instrument of psychological torture.
Snek. Slide rules. Discuss.
And what about that strange incident off Flamborough Head in 1970? One September night, an RAF Lightning was sent to investigate a UFO tracked...
We’ll be throwing open the doors of 3rd class cabins so you can join us on deck in your very own deckchair. FREE ICE WITH EVERY DRINK. First...
Obviously, I don’t work for the club. But I have worked with/for many businesses at close quarters who really did care. Or appeared to. Very...
No. Not really. We’re now a business. Many years ago, I remember folk on here welcoming the fact that in some new age of football, businessmen...
True. If he keeps this up we'll be arguing about a war between Hamlet and Disraeli.
Seems the Israeli government are out to kill new terrorists after a revelation by Honest Reporting. This organisation claims it’s devoted to...
If it's still raining they issue you with a life jacket or one of those inflatable rings with a unicorns head on. Or summat.
Very heavy rain down here but this is from their site... 'Our main pitch, installed by Velocity Sports, is a state-of-the-art 3G football...
Should be banned from the BBS as well. We don't want facts on here. And that name. 'Le Gessien.' Sounds like Johnny Foreigner to me...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_fishing Going to get misen a kit and get cracking in the Thames. Where would be the best waters in tarn?
No problems.
You might be referring to one of my posts. When referring to 'the Arabs' I was quoting Ben-Gvir a convicted racist and terrorist (convicted by...
Separate names with a comma.