Yours is no better, show me the proof and I'll wind my kneck in, if you can't then you take off the tin foil hat, deal ?
But surely Scargil would have said this on the picket line to the world media ? I need to YouTube this and have a look, because if it happened he...
They wouldn't have all been from a mining community though, I'm sure anybody out of area would have took great pleasure in bragging, but they...
I mean in the last 60 years, Peterlee was 1819, lol
Thats my point, jesus as a young squaddie I was skint after the first week of the month and would have sold my nans jewellery so I could go out,...
Squaddies can't hold there own water, just one would have come forward, the Army as never been used for public order on the main land .
But no accounts at the time, not once did Scargill mention this, not once, and if he heard it ( because I'm sure 100% he would have) he would have...
I would, it didn't happen, and I'm sure it would have been embezzled all over the news/ papers, I'm sure the miners/ Scargill would have pointed...
No, they weren't, really they weren't, don't you think one, just one would have spilt the beans for a tidy wedge, it was most likely other forces...
Because he gets given titles, Colonel in chief of one of the Rifles regiment, some kind of Commodore to the RFA ( Royal Fleet auxiliary), yes he...
Rather put a second string out tbh, I know winning breeds confidence but how would that go if we put out a relatively strong side and got thumped...
Really enjoying it, RIP Boss
A very proud moment for you all
Ill disciplined, poorly trained, lacking motivation, a vast amount of kit from the cold War era, poor tactics, shocking resuply, what they have...
That bloke from Leicester who had ( i think) £50 on Leicester to win the title when they did ( 5000/1) is young daughter was on his phone and...
Don't know if you're serious, so he can knock one out because it's going to be that good
My wife likes a bang on the sofa
I don't know tbh, many may choose not to go due to cost or in my case the 500 mile round trip ( again the cost) many may choose to watch on I...
The staff maybe working hard but supporters pay there money to watch a game of football and I reckon the majority don't think " we are sinking...
Good to hear, keep on swooning
Separate names with a comma.