As long as Dakota came to watch him
That’s funny
At beginning of last season, Mainoo was playing for U21’s …. would have been nice to see him at Oakwell.
Chocolate fingers are proper small now as well
Phil Sharpe best slip fielder ever, reputedly Ray Illingwort Brian Close
Eh ??
Spot on about Parker … his partnership with Aylott was sooo impressive until the injury
He used to hide (!) the ball under his shirt so everyone knew where it was except the ref
Purely for comedic reasons … Mike Lester was good entertainment
Miserable SB … only boosted from 5/6
That’s cos they’d rather be in the pub
Liverpool are in lunchtime match tomorrow so bring on some Salah bets you stingy betting firms
I think it was Nov 76 as I’ve always thought my first game was Bradford City earlier that year…. however, I’ve been wrong many a time
Memorable … their version of I’d rather go blind.
I was there but can only remember bits of info. Can anybody recall Peacheys hat trick at home against Scunny in 76 ( I think ) ? We’d just sold...
I’m no fan of country either but agree about the good voice thing. In John Peels latter years he got me into Laura Cantrell and she has got to be...
That’ll do me
Aren’t the big boys in the draw for next round ?
I’ll fank them for nuffing
Separate names with a comma.