Think as a whole it was mainly older people in favour of Brexit and Lockdown.
“Yes that’s does include many older people” Ah so what you’ve done there is modified the calculatuons to try and prove your point....
Next home game message me privately and il send you my seat number as well
I think it’s clear what my surname is and how old I am. There are posters on here who also have my phone number.
Metaphorically speaking of course, we all know how easy it is to hide behind an alias and a keyboard... as you have illustrated.
Good plan, bow out graciously before I wipe the floor with you.
Most condescending post I’ve read on here, not sure why you think it’s appropriate to talk about his family? I don’t see Jay getting personal in...
Are you Neil Austin?
A pub is a shop that sells beer right?
Opposite end of island to where we were, just had a quick look on trip advisor looks really nice
Grand Baie? Kinda pisses all over our...
Nice try
Just changing the topic entirely now, your question was why would people want to take the risk and go on holiday (which I have answered) not can...
Incorrect, you can fish for bites on here
I knew that argument was coming “well you might kill other people though” again I will refer you back to a car journey. Every time you set off in...
The risk is minuscule, I have something like a 0.18% chance of dying IF AND ONLY IF I catch the virus. I have a bigger chance of dying in a car...
I think most people are well aware the risk to them is absolutely minuscule and therefore aren’t going to let it ruin their lives
You are missing out
Im booked for Albuifiera (spelling?) early October, I’m a lot more confident about that going ahead then the Benidorm holiday I have booked in...
Separate names with a comma.