Hardly a pensioner was she? Had only just become an adult. If you had an 18 year old daughter you would still call her a young girl. Anyway this...
So an 18 year old isn't a young girl? And Italians should accept cannibals into the country? Diversity innit. No wonder the left can't...
600,000 immigrants in 4 years. Some of who recently killed a young girl and ate part of her vagina. Shouldn't really be a surprise. Although...
Rip off the fans with the shirts though: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/859ed4d8-1ca5-4bd3-8869-5171a13a4012
Two types of people wear shorts all year round whatever the weather, postmen and body builders.
Momentum plan to infiltrate football sites, was found out about some time ago, lots of sites have have loads of far-left members. They did the...
To be fair to Shearer although he started the season well Stones has struggled lately, and remains vulnerable on one-on-ones. Still in the...
You watching the same video? He was just having his breakfast in a cafe when a trustafarian type came in and started shouting at him, she was the...
To be fair he does get called racist a lot by people yet they can never seem to point out a specific example....
Well if he'd been leader instead of Heath we would have avoided Brexit, because he never would have took us into the EEC in the first place....
CEOs work an average of 58 hours a week. It's an incredibly competitive job market at that level. You think they could just turn up for a couple...
The Jam is a good comparison, they weren't an Indie band either, they had loads of hits, as did Madness. Arctic Monkeys, Stone roses and Oasis...
You know what I mean though; Oasis/ Stone Roses/ Arctic Monkeys fans are more like the people who beat up Indie kids for looking different. Lager...
They're not what I call Indie, most of their fans were beer-chugging laddish types. In that case Here's Jonny are going to be the next big...
We haven't even mentioned penis size. Average for blacks is 7", whites 6" and Asians 5", so that's true as well. All well and good saying all...
Yes, not a long term career. He drank 20 litres of Lucozade before lifting half a ton! He then fainted and went temporarily blind. Half a ton...
We also have the World's Strongest Man ATM.
So what the coach says is probably true, West Africans have the most speed, East Africans the most stamina and white Europeans having less speed...
Human League, Heaven 17, Cabaret Voltaire, now they were good, but that was a while ago.
Personally I think Arctic Monkeys and Oasis ruined British Indie music as every other band tried to sound like them and neither are very...
Separate names with a comma.