Was it him that constantly said "watchemercallit". I had to turn it off when he came on. I still do when they phone Bri the blade. Or anyone...
They'd be complaining loud enough if the Oscars only had best Actor.
You're not wrong - look at the increase in the numbers of miserable old feckers just since 2005! [ATTACH]
Some - but now only 2% of Tariff Codes have duties. I suspect these 2% are agricultural / food products which would damage the French farmers.
But it was a better season than any level 2 season we'd had since Dave Bassett was manager.
This pretty much explains the options and which red lines the govt would have to concede. [ATTACH]
I was asked the same question by a colleague from work. I told him he'd hate it. He's from London - he's certainly an acquired taste lets say -...
This word cloud sums up what the people voted for.. Hiding behind some disingenuous nonsense bullshittery that "it didn't say it on the ballot...
Only the castrato
I don't like my MP standing for his or her beliefs. A labour MP should stand for good solid socialist policies - and in Barnsley should be...
There was a bloke on here the other day who said he could do it really cheap. I think he might print his money in china though.
Especially when all their fixed costs are covered by their domestic production of their own passports - they can mariginally cost or "dump" as...
No - the French specifically exclude these from EU legislation on the basis that printing of passports has national security implications. Andrea...
I quite enjoyed winning at Wembley twice and winning in general. I've not been over keen on loosing all the time. Just a different perspective.
In general it could be a great deal of fun and - and a great way for the fans to communicate with the players / club / football. For instance...
I always vote for Andy Rammell
How much more does the US electorate / Senate/ Law enforcement need to have it rubbed in their face that Donald Trump is having his strings pulled...
To be fair we do have a history of breaking runs of form for clubs. Usually runs of bad form though.
https://who-called.co.uk/ Normally marketing numbers will come up on this. Your number just comes up as international call from Pakistan. So...
It won't make a blind bit of difference to me. Over the last 20 years we've been relegated and promoted - I still go and so do 10,000 others....
Separate names with a comma.